Tag: flash

  • adobe fights fire with…teddy bears

    Adobe launched a new ad campaign today along with a response to Steve Jobs’ declaration that Flash will never be supported on iPhones, iPads, and iPods last week.  (In fact, they’ve added a whole new Freedom of Choice section on Adobe.com.)  There are a few amusing (and somewhat contradictory) statements in Adobe’s open letter (like this one: “If…

  • signs that Adobe Flash is on the way out

    i’ll spare the discussion of how Flash is dead because Steve Jobs says it is. while i agree with him on all of his points, i’m not really into the all bow to the great and mighty Steve camp, even while the rest of the industry bows to the great and mighty Steve.  (i may…

  • How I broke a javascript gallery script to make a Flash-like slideshow

    This is a story about a site redesign.  The site was for the mother of a client we’ve worked with on other projects.  It was a kind of site we don’t normally do, but we took the gig because it was a referral and someone we know and like working with.  The original site was…

  • unbox pandora

    i’ve been using Pandora for a long time, and i’ve always been a big fan.  when Tim Westergren came to Salt Lake City on his speaking tour, i went to see him at the SLC Main Library and i have the raglan-style Pandora tshirt to prove it.  the unique recommendation engine — powered by humans who actually analyze…