
Hi. I’m Chris.

I am a Senior Software Engineer for Pantheon. I’ve been building things with WordPress since around 2007 — long enough to remember 4 major WordPress admin redesigns. Before that, I played with various other open source platforms and the first incarnation of my blog was written entirely in HTML. Originally a designer, I graduated from the University of Redlands, Johnston Center, leaving with a self-made degree titled Creative Arts in the Digital Revolution, which combined my loves for music, visual art, film and writing using computers as a medium for all of them.

As a freelance designer and developer, I built WordPress-powered sites for criminal lawyers, schools, independent musicians and tabletop game designers. Later, as a WordPress developer and then developer lead for WebDevStudios, I built and led development for large-scale projects for enterprise businesses like Microsoft, Campbell’s and the National Park Service. As a Senior Engineer at Human Made, I worked on sites like USA Today Sports, Disney Parks and helped build the Altis Digital Experience Platform. These days, nothing makes my happier than finding new ways to do cool stuff with WordPress. Now, as a Senior Software Engineer at Pantheon I primarily work in building tools that make developers’ lives easier when working with their CMS of choice and developing solutions to make WordPress work optimally on the platform. I have also made WordPress classes for the online developer training provider, Pluralsight, and have been involved with WordCamp Salt Lake City in some form or another since 2011.

If I’m not sitting in front of the computer, I might be found playing D&D, camping in southern Utah or cheering for Utah Royals FC.

Want to get in touch with me? Use the contact form below or find me on social media (I’m either jazzs3quence or jazzsequence pretty much everywhere).