WordPress theme framework AP-blueprint updated

screenshot 300x225 WordPress theme framework AP blueprint updatedWe just did some minor updates to our free Arcane Palette WordPress theme framework AP-blueprint.  Just some minor housecleaning that needed to get done — if you’re already using it as a framework to build WordPress themes, you probably already noticed these things, but if not, here’s what’s been updated:

  • – changed text/javascript to application/javascript in the suckerfish.js call in header.php.  We used the <script> code directly from the Son of Suckerfish home page, but in IE, it always generated an “error on page”.  I’ve seen this all over the web with suckerfish dropdown menus, and finally, through some experimentation, was able to solve it by using “application/javascript” instead of “text/javascript” so we’ve included that in our theme framework.
  • – updated calls for the sidebar.  The old method had one style of sidebar call (that worked) on index.php ( <?php get_sidebar(); ?> ) and another method on every other page ( <?php get_sidebar(‘1′); ?> <?php get_sidebar(‘2′); ?> ).  This was leftover from some completely different theme that used a sidebar-1.php and sidebar-2.php and without those, the individual calls were unnecessary.  Again, if you tried using it, you probably noticed that, and hopefully were able to fix it, but we’ve finally cleaned up the code so you won’t need to.
  • – fixed sidebar placement.  There was a hanging </div> in the page templates which was dropping the sidebar outside of the ‘container’ after swapping the sidebar-1/2 code with the standard get_sidebar.

If you find any other bugs or errors in using AP-blueprint, let us know in the comments and we will work to get that taken care of.

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