Binary Jazz

A few months ago, this happened:

After several months of thinking, procrastinating, conjuring reasons to not start a podcast and waiting for the idea to sound like a bad one (it didn’t), we decided to get our act together and get serious about the idea. I put together some notes, we came up with a format, we decided on a day of the week to record episodes and we’ve recorded our first three (two are available to download/listen to, one is scheduled for next week).

I have been peripherally interested in podcasting for a while but I am less inclined to do a solo venture (who wants to listen to me talk?), but doing one with a couple of my favorite people sounded like something that would keep my interest for a while. Plus, since our topic changes episode-to-episode there’s less of a chance that it will get tired and boring, both for us on the podcast, and (I hope) for anyone listening.

So far it’s been pretty fun. You should check it out.





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