Category: department of political correctness

  • saul williams on barack obama

    Click here for more videos from Vote For Change

  • Palin Rap: Amy Poehler rocks

    thank god for amy poehler on snl…

  • So. Cal Democrats 1 – Palin 0

    found evidence that democrats kick tech arse this year on gizmodo: Democrats Still Most Tech Savvy, Rent Digital Billboard to Text Message Sarah Palin at Rally

  • obama isn’t going for the low blow

    after news of gov. palin’s teen daughter’s pregnancy broke, i thought to myself (and to erin), i hope obama doesn’t use this. it’s typical to go for the groin shot in politics, use an advantage like a teenage pregnancy in the family (or a wife’s alchoholism, or whatever) to drag your opponent’s name in the…

  • CamPAIN 2008 — the future vs. the past

    watched obama’s speech yesterday.  here it is, if you haven’t seen it yet: watching this not only makes me an obsessed obama groupie (he does seem to have that effect), and go out and buy some obama stuff on his website, but also makes me realize that this election is huge.  it’s not even about…

  • dennis kucinich banners

    quick camPAIN post: here’s the banners i made for kucinich. feel free to download and use them if you feel so inclined. —————- Now playing: “Deadboy & The Elephantmen – Break It Off.mp3” via FoxyTunes

  • it’s official / camPAIN 2008

    it’s official. if you haven’t been checking my calendar (and really, who does?) after thanksgiving i will no longer be a supervalu employee. the concept scares the shit out of me. after 2 years of being a salaried employee making middle class wages with decent enough benefits, it feels like i’m jumping out into ice-cold,…

  • select your candidate

    erin, being my source of all real news, has shared this with me: it’s a quiz on your views on the major hot topics and matches your answers with the republican/democratic presidential candidates who match best with your views.  kind of good for someone like me who hasn’t paid attention to such things.  apparently…

  • series of tubes

    ok. apprently i’m behind the times. apparently, it’s already old news that the internet is a series of tubes. my lack of knowledge of the series of tubes phenomenon can only be explained by positing that those tubes got clogged and my personal internet did not arrive until this morning. that’s right ladies and gentlemen,…