Category: ministry of music

  • Just the beer light to guide us

    Just the beer light to guide us

    I recently realized that I like a lot of different types of music. Okay, yes, if you know me, you know that’s not a grand discovery. But. What I mean is that, I like — have always liked — contradictory and conflicting styles of music. Again, perhaps not a shocking revelation. What I really mean…

  • Gender parity in the Sad Bastard Music Club

    You may or may not be aware of a thing I started doing a few years ago called the Sad Bastard Music Club. Many of my friends and people I follow on the internets periodically release mixtapes for people to download or listen to. Historically, I’ve done this as well and, being a DJ at…

  • RPM 2017 recap

    RPM 2017 recap

    Another RPM is in the books and I thought I’d share some feelings about it. This year I feel like I got in on a technicality. The album that I started at the beginning of the month isn’t done, and 2 of the songs on the CD I mailed to New Hampshire were from the…

  • Last minute change of RPM plans

    In true RPM fashion, I’ve changed my mind re: plans for RPM album. It’s not going to be all about Trump. While the thought process going into it is more personal/intimate, what I can say is why I’ve decided to switch gears. In talking with e about the project — because she’s started painting and I…

  • RPM 2017

    I’m in it. I’ve committed to doing RPM again this year. It’s been a couple years since I’ve done RPM which basically means it’s been a couple years since I’ve done any music at all and I can’t handle it, anymore. I need to do something. I hadn’t decided what I was going to do for this…

  • teh s3quence – Halloween 2015

    teh s3quence – Halloween 2015

    Teh s3quence – Halloween 2015 by Jazzsequence on Mixcloud It’s been a while since I put one of these together so I thought it was time. This year’s Halloween mix collects a bunch of stuff that I could hear being included in a horror movie. Think of it as the soundtrack to the horror movie in my…

  • Songhoy Blues

    Songhoy Blues

    This came in the Noisetrade email today. Garage Blues from Mali that’s pretty freaking incredible. Check it.  

  • 30 Most Frequently Played Songs of 2014

    It’s the time of year when everyone is making end-of-year lists of various things. I decided to make a list of the top songs I’ve listened to in 2014. Now a few things went into this and there should be some things stated up front. First — I almost always listen to music on random.…

  • Move over RPM

    A few days ago, my friend Colin (aka Slighter) sent me this link: It’s a challenge. Like the RPM challenge referenced in the title, Weekly Beats challenges musicians to make music. But unlike RPM, it’s challenging you to do it all year round. I love RPM. I’m still incredibly proud of my 2011 entry, Wasp,…

  • Halloween 2013 mixtape

    I wasn’t sure if I was going to do this this year, but both my Twitter buds — Colin and Geoff — did Halloween singles this year, so I figured I had to make a mixtape that featured them. This also has some spooky side-projects of Colin’s as well as some other stuff I don’t…