Category: 10 times one

  • Going Google-less – A Week Without Google

    A week ago on my blog, I posted my pledge to go one week without Google.  It was inspired, in part, by the Google/Verizon proposal for the future of high speed and wireless internet that was devised in closed-door meetings, in secret, while the same discussions were being had with the FCC and other major… (read…

  • iTunes Security: Worse than you thought?

    On December 1, 2008, I woke up to find a series of disturbing emails in my inbox.  They were a pair of PayPal receipts and the corresponding iTunes store receipts for 2 purchases of $200 gift cards sent to anonymous Hotmail and Yahoo email addresses.  The problem was, I didn’t make the purchases. The transactions… (read…

  • Take action for change…with your mobile carrier

    This is guest post by Chris Reynolds, one half of the design team at Arcane Palette Creative Design. If you’d like to guest post on 10 Times One, click here. About a week ago, I got an interesting piece of snail mail.  It came from CREDO Mobile — a name that didn’t ring any bells… (read…

  • World War II Propaganda (as Art?)

    This is a guest post by Chris Reynolds. If you would like to guest post on 10 Times One please click here. Propaganda is to art as Twitter is to literature; concise, quick, bold, direct.  The message is put across as simply as possible using often using whatever means necessary.  Guilt, fear, threats, idealism, utopianism,… (read…