I’m giving away Google Wave invites!

google_wave_logois google wave still relevant, or 2009’s biggest disappointment?  i’m still holding out for relevant, but i think it needs the kind of all-hands-in adoption that email has today.  but you’re sick of hearing the hype, right?  all these people talking and you still haven’t even seen what the damn thing looks like.  well you’re in luck.  with another round wave invites floating around from the google gods, here’s your chance to get in on the action and see what it looks like for yourself.

want one? sure you do.

here’s what you need to do:

a) subscribe to jazzsequence.com via rss (this is a bonus item.  if it came down to someone who followed me but didn’t subscribe and someone who followed me and did, i’d lean towards the person who’s subscribing to the blog, too)

b) follow @jazzs3quence@teh_s3quence, or @ArcanePalette on twitter (this is required — it makes it easy for me to contact you to get your email address to send the invite to)

c) tweet, blog, or post on facebook the following:

RT @jazzs3quence: I’m giving away Google Wave invites. Get yours here: http://jazzsequence.com/?p=2050

d) add a comment to this post with a link to your tweet, facebook profile, or blog showing that you shared the message

e) extra bonus: fanning Arcane Palette on Facebook will also give you extra brownie points.

that’s it. want a wave invite?  i got ’em.  they’re yours — just link to this blog.





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