Tag: 1and1

  • Finding a web host that doesn’t suck…for dummies

    I wrote this up originally for the Arcane Palette site, but for fun I’m reposting it here, too, because I think it’s fairly useful information.  Enjoy! *   *   * We’ve all been there at some point. You’re on the phone with some bored dude behind a computer anywhere between 200 and 9,000 miles…

  • Finding a web host that doesn’t suck…for dummies

    class=”aligncenter” We’ve all been there at some point.  You’re on the phone with some bored dude behind a computer anywhere between 200 and 9,000 miles away who may or may not speak English like a native but whose name is invariably something as innocuous as John.  He sounds like he might know what he’s talking…

  • so this is what pro blogging is all about

    arcane palette just got our first affiliate commission. this is really exciting for us, because this is essentially like getting free money. and suddenly, i get it. i get how upstartblogger and probably countless other pro-bloggers make their living. it’s not through adsense, on which you make pennies unless you get thousands and thousands of hits a day…

  • server intestinal implosion

    so the server is having issues. i’m getting a lot of slow loading pages and error 500s on the wordpress sites i’m running.  when i contacted 1and1 to report the issue, i got this fantabulous response: me: > Hi– > > I have multiple sites running on my shared hosting > package, and I noticed…