Tag: firefox

  • Going Google-less – A Week Without Google

    A week ago on my blog, I posted my pledge to go one week without Google.  It was inspired, in part, by the Google/Verizon proposal for the future of high speed and wireless internet that was devised in closed-door meetings, in secret, while the same discussions were being had with the FCC and other major… (read…

  • Jumping on the webfont bandwagon

    Webfonts are literally changing the face of web design (no pun intended). Even just between the time I wrote my last post on @font-face and now, there have been numerous additions to best practices and available services for invoking new, creative typefaces in your web pages.  It’s dizzying getting started because there’s just so much…

  • thinktank affiliate buttons, vista experience, computer woes resolved, and other stuff

    so we got a new client for thinktank.  it’s a wordpress blog, and it’s mostly maintenance and updates, but it’s still pretty cool.  our client wants to build/integrate a social networking component, so i did some researching and found KickApps Social Networking Software.  the more i read into it and compared the alternatives, the cooler…

  • it’s still download day…

    still haven’t downloaded firefox 3?  /sigh okay, well my first impressions are — it’s supercool.  i was always turned off by the default firefox look in 2.0.  3.0 installed and used the skin i was already using and it wasn’t until i installed it on erin’s computer that i saw how hot the new look…

  • he’s a half-blinker

    just a quick update for those who care about my crazy eye issues… i went back for my followup appt. for my contacts. if you’re just joining us, previously i had talked about my keratoconus and that i will be wearing contacts for forever (or until it’s down to eye surgery or nothing) to counter…

  • download day

    if you haven’t pledged already, you wouldn’t have gotten this email: Don’t forget to be part of Firefox’s Download Day! Mark your calendar, wrap a ribbon around your finger or write a little sticky yellow note. Download Day will start on June 17, 2008.

  • site update

    it’s been a long time coming, i finally updated the blog design. i’ve done a couple custom wordpress themes for thinktank clients now, and it was about time i did one for myself. it’s not really anything new, although the banner is totally new. but the css was recoded by hand. the overall design is…