Tag: godaddy

  • web site security

    i was listening to the replay of the teleconference hosted by WPSecurityLock (with special guests from GoDaddy) in light of the recent wave of website hacks that affected hundreds of sites not once, but twice.  it was actually when they were talking to a customer (one who had been hit twice) that a concern was…

  • Keeping your website safe

    class=”aligncenter” Once upon a time, a long time ago, you could buy a new computer and not have to worry about what type of virus scan software you needed to load onto it.  Firewalls were things only extreme geeks and intrepid hackers knew anything about.  Adware, spyware and malware weren’t even words.  Those days are…

  • GoDaddy-hosted sites at risk — WordPress, Joomla!, Pligg, ZenCart, others…

    Recently, there was a malicious attack on GoDaddy-hosted sites. It’s tough to track down the exact date of the original attack — I was first able to find a mention of it on Slashdot from 4/26, and I found a topic in the WordPress support forums that supported that approximate time. However, I also found…

  • Finding a web host that doesn’t suck…for dummies

    I wrote this up originally for the Arcane Palette site, but for fun I’m reposting it here, too, because I think it’s fairly useful information.  Enjoy! *   *   * We’ve all been there at some point. You’re on the phone with some bored dude behind a computer anywhere between 200 and 9,000 miles…

  • Finding a web host that doesn’t suck…for dummies

    class=”aligncenter” We’ve all been there at some point.  You’re on the phone with some bored dude behind a computer anywhere between 200 and 9,000 miles away who may or may not speak English like a native but whose name is invariably something as innocuous as John.  He sounds like he might know what he’s talking…