Tag: meme

  • RegEx is a spectator sport

    Newest Pluralsight promo video is out and it’s the first one I’m in (1:39). Authors were encouraged to come up with their own lines. Full disclosure: I suck at RegEx (regular expressions). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCyCqq981PA

  • Empire Avenue: The timesuck that capitalizes on your social media empire

    You are a Twitter addict.  You maintain multiple blogs, connect with friends and classmates on Facebook, are never far from your iPhone to check in to Foursquare and are a frequent reviewer on Yelp.  In short, you are a social networking junkie. In that case, probably you don’t need to read this post, because probably…

  • Random Album Cover – the Creative Commons Way

    i’ve been waiting for someone to tag me on that 25 things meme, mostly because it’s come across a couple of the blogs i read, but i guess i either have no friends or everyone knows everything there is to know about me.  either way poor, poor, pitiful me.  anyway, i’m getting my revenge by…