Tag: updates

  • Updates are coming

    We haven’t posted anything recently partially because I had a couple computer meltdowns (first my processor fan died, next my hard drive died). Now that my computer is back up and running, we’ll be uploading pics from the summer. It’s almost the new school year, after all, with Gavin heading into first grade (!!!) and…

  • Catching up

    It’s 2011 and we’ve been remiss in updating this blog (and the flickr stream) with new pics.  So, here’s the last 3 months in brief… September The end of September we had several significant events and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa in California. But first… The Open Classroom had an all-school field trip to…

  • quiet

    I know I haven’t posted much here.  Part of that has to do with spending every available moment working on Museum Themes.  But, in addition to that, I’ve been guest blogging on 10timesOne and WordCamp Utah 2010 as well as trying to keep an active blog going over at Arcane Palette with posts about art…