Tag: video
Happy 20th anniversary to Photoshop! on Vimeo
sure it’s cool that photoshop has been around 20 years and that most of the tools have been around from the beginning, but all i’ve got to say is: imagine having to do design on that screen. i think i’d claw my eyes out. Happy 20th anniversary to Photoshop! from Giovanni Antico on Vimeo.
nine inch nails fans kick ass
a couple days old (sometimes it takes me a few days to catch up in my rss reader), but i wanted to get back on the music openness topic and throw this out there…from nin.com: For 12 months, a core team of dozens of fans and a network of thousands spanning the entire globe pooled their…
awesome. another reason i love gizmodo.
“One Big Ass Mistake, America”
One Big Ass Mistake America That’s what I saw gracing the back of an old Ford pickup truck as I took the cat to the vet on Thursday. it immediately made me think of a Saturday Night Live sketch from last week that we just saw the night before. my first thought in response to…
the not-so-hidden value of netflix
i’m pretty much completely in love with netflix. it started with some casual experimentation through a friend during college. he had a netflix subscription and we’d often get triple features of obscure asian action flicks (digging deep in the early career of jet li with the once upon a time in china series — which i highly recommend,…