Tag: win 7

  • Hack to In-Place “Downgrade” from Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional to Less Premium Editions

    stumbled across this “duh” of a hack to allow up/downgrading (depending on your perspective) of a more premium version of windows 7 to a less premium version.  why would you do this? if you were running a beta or rc version of windows 7 you can “upgrade” to a retail edition without wiping the system.…

  • how windows 7 will sell more by being free

    windows 7 ships on october 26.  when that day comes, you’ll start to see (if you haven’t already) a lot of reviews.  i’m guessing most of them will be very positive. here’s the thing: windows 7 is a very good operating system.  it’s generations better than previous versions of windows and will definitely give OSX a run for…

  • now in penguin-vision

    i’ve been a longtime fan and occasional user of linux.  i had it running for about a  year as my primary operating system under ubuntu.  microsoft announced the release of their windows 7 RC-1 the other day, and as part of the announcement stated that all of their beta testers, whether you’re using win 7 beta…

  • how windows 7 (inadvertently) helped me find a virus

    so the other day, i got a notification in my systray that msdt.exe was corrupt, and possibly i should do a chkdsk to repair the problem. after seeing this crop up several times, i decided to take the message’s advice.  i stopped paying attention at some point, when i realized the chkdsk was gonna take…

  • windows 7 beta review

    so, i’ve been running win 7 beta on my main machine for a little while now and thought i should share my thoughts, since, you know, that’s kind of the whole point of this beta thing… boot time bootup time is significantly faster than vista and xp.  i’m actually pretty surprised at how quickly it’s…