Tag: wordpress

  • New Museum Theme: Ex Libris

    Yesterday we released our fifth Museum Theme, Ex Libris.  If you’re reading this today (August 4, 2010), there’s still time to get $10 of the purchase price with the coupon code ‘exlibris’ (no quotes). Ex Libris was designed for typophiles and writers, putting the focus on type and content rather than graphics and bells and…

  • That Thesis Thing

    Update 7/22/2010: Thesis adopts the GPL! Over the last few days, the WordPress community has exploded into debate over one thing: Thesis and it’s restrictive, non-GPL-compliant license.  If you’re already familiar with the particulars of what Thesis is and what the debate is, you can skip the summary (to be honest, I’m sick of reading… (read…

  • Will it blend?

    That’s one of the questions we’ll be asking at Utah WordCamp 2010, and to help us answer that question (or even figure out what it means), we’ve invited Tom Dickson.  (Yes, that guy.)  The question: Does WordPress blend? Excited? Intrigued?  Curious?  Completely baffled?  Find out if WordPress blends by grabbing your tickets right now! In…

  • Middle Name: Danger

    Middle Name: Danger is the brother to Baby SweetTooth.  It’s got the same magazine-style layout and multiple widgetized sidebars with optional video embed and FeedBurner integration.  In fact, everything cool about Baby SweetTooth is there in Middle Name: Danger, the only difference is the boy colors vs. the pink and brown in SweetTooth.  Whereas Baby… (read…

  • 12 Free WordPress Themes I Like (and you should, too)

    Just because we built free WordPress themes and Museum Themes doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate the good work of others.  In fact, it’s through watching what’s going on in the greater WordPress theme community that gives us ideas, keeps us on our toes, and informs us of trends and what people are interested in.  Here… (read…

  • Gee, there’s a thought…

    One of the things that’s frustrated me about a lot of premium WordPress themes I’ve had experience with is that they leave the user hanging.  You see the demo and it looks awesome.  Configurable category displays, a featured content gallery, room for adsense, customizable navigation, even a video embed in the sidebar.  Maybe you even… (read…

  • Using the WordPress embed shortcode for YouTube, Vimeo, more

    This was going to be a post on building a WordPress shortcode that you’d use like [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=url[/youtube] inside your posts to take care of the embedding.  My experience has been that when you flip over to HTML view to paste your code and then flip back to the Visual editor to finish your post, a… (read…

  • What’s coming from Museum Themes

    First of all, I’d like to thank everyone reading this blog for a successful first week.  We’ll be posting more promo codes on Twitter and Facebook, and we can’t wait to see our affiliate badges start popping up around the ‘Net.  Keep an eye out in those places and maybe bookmark #MuseumThemes to keep up-to-date… (read…

  • WordCamp Utah

    Seek and ye shall find… I’ve been interested in attending a WordCamp for a long time.  More so after I saw Matt’s keynote at WordCamp SF.  I’ve been casually looking for a Salt Lake City or Utah WordCamp ever since I stumbled upon the whole WordCamp concept and found that there was one coming up…

  • thinking about redesign…again…

    So now that Museum Themes is up, WordPress 3.0 is out, and web fonts have made huge strides in browser-integration, I’m thinking about redesigning jazzsequence.com.  Again. Okay, yes, I am fully frakking aware that I redesign my site more frequently than a hooker gets checked for STDs, and even the Browncoat theme lasted longer than the current…