Tag: zombie girl

  • teh s3quence – Halloween 2015

    teh s3quence – Halloween 2015

    Teh s3quence – Halloween 2015 by Jazzsequence on Mixcloud It’s been a while since I put one of these together so I thought it was time. This year’s Halloween mix collects a bunch of stuff that I could hear being included in a horror movie. Think of it as the soundtrack to the horror movie in my…

  • teh s3quence 015 – HALLOWEEN 2011 EDITION

    teh s3quence 015 – HALLOWEEN 2011 EDITION

    Because I like to do things out of order (and also because I totally forgot that I hadn’t posted teh s3quence 014…), I’m giving you teh s3quence 015, the HALLOWEEN EDITION! Usually when I make a Halloween mix, it’s pretty straightforward — pick a bunch of songs that are about zombies, vampires, ghosts or are…

  • teh s3quence: 010 — halloween

    teh s3quence: 010 — halloween

    It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these, so, with the best holiday (especially when it comes to music) coming along, it seemed the right time.  This mix is 90 minutes of spooky tracks to get your demonic groove on to. 1 – Rob Zombie, Living Dead Girl 2 – GraveDiggaz, Diary…