I’ve been playing with Jason Schuller‘s Dropplets simple blogging platform. You can see what I’ve done and read all about it on
Timed Screenshot Alfred Extension
I was shocked — SHOCKED, I tell you!!! — to learn today that Skitch (the once-amazing screen-capture and image sharing app that is almost worth ditching Windows for Mac just to be able to use) no longer lets you do timed screenshots. What??? I was so upset, I had to do some digging and learned…
Use Alfred to set up a WordPress theme based on _s and Twitter Bootstrap
I said a long time ago that I would never use another theme framework now that I have Museum Core. Well, unfortunately for me, WordCamp SLC — particularly the presentations of Jake Spurlock, George Ortiz and Patrick Cox, as well as working on the theme which was based on _s — changed my mind on…
Close to 8,000 words on my story-thing…when I hit 30k or so, I’ll stop calling it a “thing”…
overheard on Twitter…
I'm 38, getting fatter and uglier. I think it's time to go back to Goth. — Indignation Fatigue (@InfiniteChicken) August 4, 2012
Slow progress
A while ago I wrote about slowing down. What could be slower than a few days camping in the desert? No internet, the phones died our second night there, nothing to actively distract or divert. In my last post, I wrote that I hoped the process of slowing down my internet (and media) consumption would…