Tag: grandma mc

  • Trip to Moscow, ID

  • Catching up

    It’s 2011 and we’ve been remiss in updating this blog (and the flickr stream) with new pics.  So, here’s the last 3 months in brief… September The end of September we had several significant events and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa in California. But first… The Open Classroom had an all-school field trip to…

  • gavin turns 5

    i haven’t been doing the best job of posting pics up here, i know.  i realize this as the most recent pics are from g’s graduation, now almost 3 months gone.  that said, i have been keeping things updated on flickr, so you can check out the latest pics (sans witticisms) there (presuming you are…

  • trip to moscow

    we took a long road trip with g-ma & g-pa to moscow, idaho to see the kids’ great-grandparents there.  it was a two-day drive and the kids were wiped but we were glad we split the drive up rather than try the 11-12 hour trek in one go.  the kids had a good time hanging…