Tag: mixtape

  • teh anti-4th(of july) s3quence

    teh anti-4th(of july) s3quence

    i always make these playlists for various holidays that are the opposite of the norm.  so, like alien sex fiend’s “stuff the turkey” or the ramones’ “merry christmas (i don’t want to fight tonight” for christmas.  in that spirit, and in the spirit that dissent is patriotic (even though, for the first time in a…

  • teh (metal) s3quence, version 5

    teh (metal) s3quence, version 5

    i was listening to a mix cd i made of stuff i listened to in high school and junior high and the beginnings of it is all this old 90’s era metal that i was just discovering through friends and mtv, and it made me nostalgic.  nostalgic and singing along to “hangar 18” at top…

  • teh s3quence, version 4

    recorded a new s3quence mix.  sort of a mix with some left field stuff in here.  i keep going back to hip hop, i guess it’s just what’s in my head these days.  but i threw in some acid jazz and indie electronic/idm-type stuff, too.  there’s also some scratching, but only some of it is…

  • teh s3quence version 2

    i had the opportunity last night to record another live mix.  i played with the cool effects less this time but that was partially because there was a cat hiding/trapped in the kids’ bedroom while they were a sleep trying to get out.  here it is: [audio:s3quence-002.mp3] setlist for teh s3quence 2 1 dead can…

  • teh s3quence version 1

    i’ve been listening to mike skinner’s (of the streets) “skinmixes.”  they’ve reminded me what i loved about spinning records; creating moods and the flow of one song to the next, exposing music i love, and throwing some oddball stuff in for good measure.  skinner seems to have a similar approach, which is why i dig his…