Truth (Day 3)
“That was close,” Fleeb Mungwort said, wiping his brow after the two pan-dimensional hyper-intelligent beings left the massive computational chamber. “I can’t believe they bought the whole bit about the successor computer,” Ploox Vendarf said, tying her head tentacles back into a tail. “That bit about Earth? Truly a stroke of genius!” “The problem remains,”…
New (Day 2)
When Avery woke up, all they saw was dark. It was unnerving, but they tried not to panic. They had been assured that there would be a period of adjustment as all the systems came fully online. Instead, Avery took deep breaths to slow their heart rate, and continued to stare and perceive an inky…
Rage (Day 1)
The truck cuts in front of me and I need to slam on the brakes to not smash into the TRUMP bumper sticker on the fender. There’s a “LET’S GO BRANDON!” sticker in the corner of the cab window. It’s too dark to see the driver but his (I assume it’s a he) red taillights…
The H.P. Lovecraft Test, round 3
I’ve run this test twice already and I figured it was probably about time to try it again. If you’ve been reading my AI posts (which is all I post anymore), you may remember past incarnations of what I like to call The Lovecraft Test. I ran it very early on with ChatGPT when it…
Aging an AI-generated character
Historically, prompting ChatGPT (or DALL-E through ChatGPT) for variations or subtle modifications of a single image results in a sort of image degeneration. Not only does the image not get reproduced with the slight variations, but it gets further and further away from what you originally requested. This is something that has been noted on…
Rick Astley Ten Ways
Lately, I’ve been playing a lot with Suno. Suno is an AI that makes music based on your prompts. It’s actually pretty good at it, too. It lacks the ability to edit songs, and the songs it creates will always be based on some formulaic foundation, but so much of popular music is that it…
Just the beer light to guide us
I recently realized that I like a lot of different types of music. Okay, yes, if you know me, you know that’s not a grand discovery. But. What I mean is that, I like — have always liked — contradictory and conflicting styles of music. Again, perhaps not a shocking revelation. What I really mean…
File under: AIs doing Weird AI Shit
Today, a friend of mine who’s largely the person I talk about weird AI shit with mentioned this: “my ai guy” has mentioned several times that sending a bunch of “a a a a” to chatgpt can sometimes make it output training data.. I’m always game to try new weird shit with AI chatbots. This…
Ma.tt sent me
Well, not actually. But he did post this, and I figured, since I drafted and then scrapped a long Thread about where I ended December with regards to the novel I am writing, I figured this would be a good excuse to write a blog about it instead. So, where am I? I didn’t hit…
Why I’m writing a novel about artificial intelligence (using artificial intelligence)
A couple months ago, I started a new side project that I’ve been afraid to talk about for fear of giving it a name it couldn’t live up to or jinxing it and not being able to finish it. I’m over 40,000 words in and by any count that’s pretty good. It’s already the longest…anything…