a thousand words

you’ve all heard it:  a picture speaks a thousand words.

i don’t usually take pictures on my cell phone.  there’s actual cameras for that (i have one) and people who do that seem to not be enjoying the actual event because they’re so busy taking pictures with their phone to document the event.  case in point: the guy who sticks his phone up at a concert like a digital-age lighter.


i did take some phone-pics on this last trip to cali, so here’s the adventure by way of cameraphone:

driving down. zooming past wendover.

la selva beach — the destination

gavin with his grandpa

driving back. where tf are we??

hitchhiking BFE, Utah for gas






2 responses to “a thousand words”

  1. Mom Avatar

    Your cellphone takes better pictures than our digital camera!! Time for us to upgrade, I guess.. Love the one with G and Tom.

  2. Mom Avatar

    Your cellphone takes better pictures than our digital camera!! Time for us to upgrade, I guess.. Love the one with G and Tom.

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