food it is, then…

so, i just checked my wp analytics and the last post, new topic: cheese is my top post and most active.  so, um, i guess i should talk about food more.  ha.

which really makes the ubergeeky theme for the site somewhat unrelated.  so yeah, it’s on the list…

the big boss came (regional pres) today and arrived last night. so everyone’s running around like chickens with heads cut off freaking out about making the store look pretty.  I threw the cheese load as fast as humanly possible, faced up the tea, and then started cutting cheese to fill the holes and…by the time i left he still hadn’t shown up yet.  figures…

i’m excited because i got my login stuff set up so i can officially start talking to vendors and ordering chocolate.  i sent an email today to amano to set up a wholesale account for our team.  i’m excited to bring their product into the store and give it a push.  i’m also trying to set up a field trip to visit the factory.  i’ve never been into a factory, let alone a chocolate factory — even though i lived within walking distance from the see’s factory in south city.

my specialty team is also heading out to logan to visit caffe ibis next week.  that’s exciting, too, cuz, you know, coffee.  and they’re cool and their coffee is the best we sell in the store (though i’m still bummed that we can’t get salt lake roasting company coffee in to sell).  also, the awesome power of sampling was able to sell some of the cowgirl creamery MT TAM i blogged about the other day which we have at exorbitant cost due to not being able to get it from cali.  still, it’s probably the best triple cream we have (it’s my current favorite, anyway), so it’s kinda worth it.

in other news, my decision re: the mac is to keep it at Tiger.  it works, i can use the iSight, it actually opens Photoshop files now and so long as i don’t install any updates at all it should continue to do so, so it does everything i really need it to do.

(posted from a mac)





4 responses to “food it is, then…”

  1. Tara Avatar

    Food is a common denominator, even among geeks. Cheese especially. I am interested in a chocolate post, as I know nothing about it except that I think Hersheys is too sweet and I like dark better. I used to live in Oakdale, CA by the Hersheys factory and went there every year for school field trips. Back then I took it for granted, but now I am glad to be able to experience it in its rawness. Now they have tour buses and its all set up to where you cant be around it. I remember being able to walk on the floor next to the machines!!

  2. jazzs3quence Avatar

    note to self: chocolate post.

    that's a good point. i've learned a bit about "real" (i.e. single origin) dark chocolate versus "crap" (blended) chocolate, so i should write something about that…this food blog idea is new to me; i don't want to sound like a foodie, but i know i'm gonna no matter what i do, just because i know like a tiny bit.

  3. Tara Avatar

    Food is a common denominator, even among geeks. Cheese especially. I am interested in a chocolate post, as I know nothing about it except that I think Hersheys is too sweet and I like dark better. I used to live in Oakdale, CA by the Hersheys factory and went there every year for school field trips. Back then I took it for granted, but now I am glad to be able to experience it in its rawness. Now they have tour buses and its all set up to where you cant be around it. I remember being able to walk on the floor next to the machines!!

  4. jazzs3quence Avatar

    note to self: chocolate post.

    that’s a good point. i’ve learned a bit about “real” (i.e. single origin) dark chocolate versus “crap” (blended) chocolate, so i should write something about that…this food blog idea is new to me; i don’t want to sound like a foodie, but i know i’m gonna no matter what i do, just because i know like a tiny bit.

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