Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow

Ho Ho Ho!  Merry Non-Denominational Winter Holiday!

As we teased last week, here’s the full archive of all 50 light textures that we’ve posted in two parts (you can check out previews of part one here, and part two here).  But, because you waited patiently and were such good little boys and girls, we bundled a special surprise into your stocking: you can also download a bonus snow texture pack featured below.  You can see one of these textures in action in our popular holiday Blogger template, Advent.  Snow is often challenging to find good textures of because it’s not something you can point-and-shoot.  Without manual adjustment, photographs of snow will come out gray, because cameras look for light and dark and take the average when they are making their light readings.  So we’re pretty pleased with how these pics came out and hope you like them as well.

All our textures are released under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution Share-Alike license. Click the license badge below for more information about usage.

Creative Commons License
Arcane Palette textures by Arcane Palette Creative Design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at

To download this pack, click the link underneath the previews below.

Have a great holiday!  And check back soon, we’ve got more texture packs lined up!

arcanepalette nature 016 150x150 Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow
arcanepalette nature 017 150x150 Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow
arcanepalette nature 018 150x150 Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow
arcanepalette nature 019 150x150 Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow
arcanepalette nature 020 150x150 Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow
arcanepalette nature 021 150x150 Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow
arcanepalette nature 022 150x150 Free Texture Pack: Lights (full archive) & Snow

download AP-light (full archive) 51 MB
AP-light downloaded 1 times

download APnature-snow 8.1 MB
APnature-snow downloaded 3 times






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