A WordPresser goes to DrupalCon

I’ll be going to my first DrupalCon next week.

I can’t say that I’ve always wanted to go to DrupalCon, but I’ve certainly been curious about it since joining Pantheon because it’s always been such a huge part of Pantheon’s ecosystem and we’re always a big sponsor. And over the last few months, between #WPDrama and the official launch of Drupal CMS, I’ve been watching Drupal more closely and playing with more things inside of it. (I even created my very first Drupal module. Or…at least, I vibe coded it…) I’m particularly interested in the new AI recipe, which integrates a LLM chatbot inside the CMS that can actually do stuff for you or guide you around. I feel like that’s the thing that I need to help me get over the hump of understanding how to do stuff with Drupal.

WordPress, of course, is my native CMS and it’s hard to imagine that changing, but I am eager to learn more about the Drupal community and ecosystem and I’ll be recording video along the way (that will make its way onto social and/or the Pantheon YouTube in some form) basically from this perspective of a WordPresser’s first experience at DrupalCon.

I’m already learning things. The keynote is a Driesnote (I knew this already, but it’s a thing), it’s multiple days, there are lots of opportunities to meet people that are in your local Drupal community (there is a sort of orientation/meet your locals area on day one and opportunities to sync up with them later) and there are things called “birds of a feather” — or BoFs — which are basically small group discussions. I’m basically planning on doing all the things, and being at the booth, and presenting and facilitating booth demos (that’s a thing, too, apparently), and I’m basically planning on using the cool new camera I got for work to document everything.

So, I guess follow along on my Bluesky, or on the Pantheon socials (Bluesky, X, YouTube, LinkedIn) and feel free to ask me anything while I’m there! 😁



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