Category: department of special projects

  • gavin sportin’ some new bling, yo

    (erin found a neat photoshop tutorial on creating bling text)

  • ghosts of the past

    part i my pre-ordered from the nin website copy of ghosts i-iv arrived yesterday. trent said that they went into making this album with the intent that it could/should be the soundtrack to something. on march 13, he announced a ghosts film festival on youtube. holding the actual release in my hands, i noticed it…

  • the 30 project.

    i’ve decided to do a new project. i turn 30 this year. i have a lot of “oh god i’m getting old” feelings about this, probably because i have very clear memories of my dad freaking out when he turned 30 (i guess it’s a good thing gavin and lilah won’t have that experience). anyway,…

  • kidsblog

    the gavin blog is officially now ‘kidsblog’.  at some point in the future i will make you all change your bookmarks to (hmmm…maybe i should change that to…..), because as it stands now the home page is kids.jazzsequence but any of the links redirect back to /gavin…for now, however it stands as it…

  • updated gallery

    i reorganized the gallery so it’s somewhat more coherent.  also upped some picks to flickr.

  • flickr

    i created an account/page on mostly because my digital photo printer at work is out of supplies and we wanted something/someplace to print pictures that are more recent than, oh, xmas 2006…so the cool thing is if you make an account and add yourself as a friend/family of me/us, then you can order photos…

  • rpm: we do not have liftoff

    so doing this project this month, this year, was a no-go. i got one track finished and a bass loop for another track that was 2/3 done (would’ve needed another loop i think, and then just put together) and 2 other half-finished tracks and that’s about as far as i got. also included in this…

  • rpm update

    one song down. updated (finished) version of North Korea called North Korea II (of all things). added some jello biafra samples and synth to the original track. it was intended to have a sax solo with it, but sax is sort of out of the question (unfortunately) for this project since a lot of what…

  • back in the saddle

    i didn’t post yesterday, but the follow up is:i moved the home folder to my other partition, which i cleared, and reinstalled. everything is working now. a lot of stuff i had before was still there, and a lot isn’t. i spent much of yesterday’s at home time running various installs and updates and more…

  • glimmer of hope?

    was talking with my friend at work who also uses ubuntu who had the following things to add: i should be able to mount my root filesystem as root while booted off the live cd. he has a SB Live card as well as onboard sound and has never had issues, however, he disables the…