Category: department of special projects

  • ThinkTank Clothing resurrected

    working on creating a new shop for thinktank clothing powered by zazzle.  stay tuned.

  • a sneak peek at the new look for

    i’ve been hard at work working on a new look for this site. okay, actually not, i’ve been slacking, but i did finally come up with a design that i am going to start building.  here’s a peek at the new design.  

  • busy busy busy

    so we’re back from our road trip.  i really meant to post a list of the fun and interesting stories that happened, but, you know, i didn’t have time.  as per usual.  i would like to state outright, however, that hitchhiking for gas in the middle of Nowhere, Utah isn’t very fun, but truckers can…

  • YESSSSSSSS! got the single sign-on integration to work

    w00t! WordPress and KickApps are now playing nice.  the single sign on app is working and all is right with the world.  there were a couple really little dumb things that needed tweaking.

  • gavin’s first movie, take two

    this time hosted by the new jazzsequence community network site. w00t.

  • quick note about jazzsequence network…

    looks like the single sign-on thing isn’t working right….when you create your wp account it doesn’t pass the authentication to the members/community site.  sorry about this folks, i’m getting it worked on. UPDATE well i got the join link up top working…sorta.  it’s just not using the single sign-on.  but it’s a temporary fix… UPDATE…

  • thinktank makeover, jazzsequence network

    verily it was decided that it was time for a makeover of the thinktank site.  this came down from on high because we went to some other web designers’ sites and realized most, if not all, our contemporaries tended to be a lot more conservative in their presentation on their own website.  now, this seems…

  • update on the 30 project

    see here need pic for age 4. that’s pre-school if that helps. i have one that might work but i’m looking away from the camera and it’s really small. edit: here’s the rough draft after seeing the rough in action i think i need to crop closer and not make it square since my face…

  • more thinktank updates

    i totally redesigned the portfolio page on the thinktank site.  it now looks super-hot and uses lightbox 2.0. check it out.

  • cool stuff

    i added some cool stuff to the thinktank studio site.  it’s like wallpaper and avatars and graphics and stuff.  you should check it out. also, if you feel like lol’ing, this is f’ing hi-larious. and check out the archives, too.  good stuff.