Category: geek of technology

  • Google Voice: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

    google voice is one of the latest in beta systems and software and may be the harbinger of goog’s plan to take over your phone.  the skinny is that google voice is sort of a layer on top of your normal phone service.  it’s a free system that offers voice mail (that transcribes your voice…

  • Clive Thompson in Praise of Online Obscurity | Magazine

    Clive Thompson in Praise of Online Obscurity | Magazine. Wired mag article on the benefits of not having tens of thousands of followers on Twitter.  It’s interesting to see these articles, posts, and reviews cropping up now.  This time last year, it was all about amassing the biggest following on Twitter that you could, but…

  • Twitter kills bulk and automated unfollows…and we’re disappointed why?

    yesterday, SocialToo announced they were discontinuing the auto-unfollow feature associated with the services they offered.  this more or less confirms my own suspicions when i went to clean out the people @ArcanePalette was following a few days ago and get rid of the spammers, marketers, and others that, from a reading and using Twitter standpoint, weren’t really adding…

  • embed google apps documents in a wave

    while the fact that google wave isn’t natively integrated with all things google already — something that still baffles me; this is the technology that’s going to take over the world, isn’t it? — this particular trick works brilliantly and cleverly disguises the fact that your document isn’t actually natively integrated into your wave. first,…

  • MusicIP Mix handles huge mp3 libraries better than WinAmp [Abandonware]

    let me get this out there: i love winamp.  i’ve been using it since its’ inception.  i used to listen to tag’s trance shoutcast station back in the day (tag is/was one of the winamp devs and was responsible for a lot of the visualizations that come bundled with winamp).  i’ve tried many, many other music…

  • Hack to In-Place “Downgrade” from Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional to Less Premium Editions

    stumbled across this “duh” of a hack to allow up/downgrading (depending on your perspective) of a more premium version of windows 7 to a less premium version.  why would you do this? if you were running a beta or rc version of windows 7 you can “upgrade” to a retail edition without wiping the system.…

  • Free WordPress Theme: The Harbinger

    this theme is one that i ran on a fake news site that was part of a RPG erin and i were running over the summer based on a novel we were/are working on.  the name of the news site was The Harbinger and it specialized in reporting news relevant to the vampire/werewolf underworld.  the…

  • hunting for a new webhost

    for a long time i’ve been looking for a green hosting solution for all of our sites and the sites that we maintain.  with the wordpress 2.9 update, i discovered my blog suddenly had an out of memory error.  memory issues on 1and1 is something that have been known and blogged/posted about for a long time.…

  • Bing!

    via YouTube – Ex-Microsoft employee remembers the last sound he heard at Microsoft: Bing!.

  • twitter hacked. this reminds me of the time…

    if you were wondering wtf happened to twitter last night (and, like me, you use a client as opposed to logging into the actual site, so rather than seeing the screen above, you just saw an API timeout error), twitter was hacked.  mashable’s got the digs here and here. now, sure, we should be up in arms…