Category: welcome to the working week

  • A WordPresser goes to DrupalCon

    A WordPresser goes to DrupalCon

    I’ll be going to my first DrupalCon next week. I can’t say that I’ve always wanted to go to DrupalCon, but I’ve certainly been curious about it since joining Pantheon because it’s always been such a huge part of Pantheon’s ecosystem and we’re always a big sponsor. And over the last few months, between #WPDrama…

  • I was on the WP Tavern podcast

    If you want to hear me talk about how great I think Composer is (and sound relatively intelligent doing so), check out the WP Tavern podcast episode I recorded a while ago which just went live. Thanks Nathan for having me on!

  • Switching between PHP versions

    I recently learned how to run multiple versions of PHP on my local machine and switch between them using Homebrew. It’s pretty straightforward, actually.

  • Dashboard Changelog

    Dashboard Changelog

    I recently moved my site to a new host. And I’ve also added my partner’s site to the WordPress multisite stack running this site and a number of others on this domain and Previously she was using, but was frustrated by a lack of adequate support and persistent caching bugs that even I…

  • Human for a year

    Human for a year

    I celebrated my 1 year anniversary with Human Made a few months ago. I wrote up a review for our company P2 but realized I haven’t said much over here. The following is a slightly edited version of that one year recap. Last year, the Monday following Thanksgiving was my first official day as a…

  • I’ve joined Human Made!

    I’ve joined Human Made!

    This week, I started the next chapter of my great adventure — joining the team at Human Made. Over the last roughly two and a half years, I’ve worked at WebDevStudios — one of the top WordPress-focused development agencies. When I joined, I was plopped in the middle of a project for the United States National…

  • Use Simple Page Builder to Add Unique Layouts to Content

    I wrote a thing, and then I wrote about the thing I wrote. Use Simple Page Builder to Add Unique Layouts to Content

  • Hacking WordPress Search for Fun and Profit!

    I wrote a blog post for WebDevStudios that’s kind of based on my WordCamp SLC presentation I just gave. (You can also check out the slides for that, if you want.) Hacking WordPress Search for Fun and Profit!

  • The single greatest contribution to open source by WordPress is documentation

    I’m going to throw an idea out there, and that is that the single, most important contribution that WordPress has made to open source software as a whole is documentation. When I first started using WordPress 8 or so years ago, that was the biggest difference between WordPress and other platforms. You could search for…

  • Plugin API/Filter Reference/wp link query args

    I made a WordPress Codex page: Plugin API/Filter Reference/wp link query args « WordPress Codex.