Category: welcome to the working week

  • We built a standing desk!

    We built a standing desk!

    I’ve been interested in having and/or building a standing desk for years. It probably started with this article in Wired. The main reason for not getting one, however, was having invested in a corner desk piece with an extension for the purpose of housing two workstations side-by-side, one for me and one for my wife.…

  • Bootstrap is NOT a bad fit for WordPress

    Bootstrap is NOT a bad fit for WordPress

    I’ve been mulling over and debating whether to write this post for about a week. It’s a response to this post on ThemeShaper. In the post, Fränk Klein, in no uncertain terms, explains why using Bootstrap with WordPress is a bad idea. Being the author of a WordPress theme that is based on Bootstrap, as well as…

  • Code: Getting rid of the duplicate submenu with add_menu_page and add_submenu_page

    So  I ran across an issue today when creating a custom admin menu and submenu items. I wanted to have a submenu item in the menu that linked to the main admin menu page, but did not have the same anchor as the parent. I kept running into this:   You can see that, since I’m currently…

  • RegEx is a spectator sport

    Newest Pluralsight promo video is out and it’s the first one I’m in (1:39). Authors were encouraged to come up with their own lines. Full disclosure: I suck at RegEx (regular expressions).

  • The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

    Some good reminders in here for devs and people in general. Things every dev needs to be thinking about (myself included). Coding Horror: The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming.

  • Raising Rates

    This quote from today’s Clients From Hell newsletter is a lot like what I posted about last week: Clients will often claim that they can get a man in Malaysia at one-tenth your price point, or that there’s a fresh-faced kid who’s hungry for your work. They’re not wrong, but they are short-sighted. That kid…

  • Two things you pay for when you hire a developer

    No matter what else you may pay for when you hire a developer, you will always be paying for these two things: 1) Their time. Every developer I know is busy, including myself. That means, in order for something to be good enough for them to stop whatever else it is that they are working…

  • Use Bootswatch themes with Museum Core to “skin” your site

    I did a writeup on Museum Themes on how to use Bootstrap 3 themes with Museum Core (which this site uses) to get new “skins” for the Core theme. Note: I wouldn’t have even thought of this if it wasn’t for Shawn Wildermuth‘s Bootstrap 3 course on Pluralsight. If you want to check it out, I…

  • New Pluralsight Course: User Roles & Capabilities in WordPress

    I’ll tell you a secret: up until a few months ago, user roles and permissions in WordPress were a vast, unexplored land of confusing terms (capabilities and — gasp — meta capabilities) and complex relationships. I didn’t know much, but I did know that if you were playing with new user roles or capabilities and messed up…

  • Function Reference/register taxonomy for object type « WordPress Codex

    New favorite WordPress function: register_taxonomy_for_object_type(). Associate an existing taxonomy with an existing post type. Function Reference/register taxonomy for object type « WordPress Codex.