Series: Artificial Intelligence

  • Getting something actually useful out of DALL-E and ChatGPT

    Getting something actually useful out of DALL-E and ChatGPT

    A lot of folks have been chatting about ChatGPT (that’ll be the last dad joke, I swear…), the latest experiment out of — home of the DALL-E image generation AI. I’ve been generally pretty impressed with what I can get from DALL-E — enough to purchase some credits to help generate art for my…

  • Further lazy DM adventures with ChatGPT

    Further lazy DM adventures with ChatGPT

    I was planning to run a wintry one-shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure this week. I had a basic concept: we’re in Exandria, so we’ll theme it around Winter’s Crest, the winter festival celebrated in Tal’Dorei. There would be games and shops for fun little mini-games. The real story is based around a type of hag…

  • “Jailbreaking” ChatGPT

    “Jailbreaking” ChatGPT

    After the wild ride that the early incarnation of Bing Chat sent Kevin Roose on, I’ve been fascinated with this idea of these language-learning algorithms expressing things that feel like emotions. But obviously, they are not. AI is not actually artificially intelligent — at least not in its current state. It is not actually self…

  • Comparing different language models

    Comparing different language models

    Over the last few months I’ve been bouncing back and forth between ChatGPT and for my AI interactions. ChatGPT is what everyone is most familiar with, of course. is a newer kid on the block and I really only discovered them by way of their amazing docs site that was linked to me…

  • Revisiting the Lovecraft test

    Revisiting the Lovecraft test

    One of the first tests I did of AI’s (or, more accurately LLM’s) ability to creatively storytell was by prompting it to write a story in the style of H.P. Lovecraft. At the time, I was impressed by ChatGPT’s (the only model I tested) ability to pick out common elements from Lovecraft and develop an…

  • ChatGPT’s Bing Search and the “Google yourself” trick

    Have you ever wondered what people who don’t know you might find if they looked you up on the internet? Earlier this month, OpenAI added the ability to add a Bing search capability to ChatGPT 4, so I wondered “what can ChatGPT find out about me?” The results led me down a rabbit hole that…

  • ChatGPT: I will get back to you…

    Since OpenAI introduced Bing Search as a beta feature in GPT-4, a thing I’ve noticed recently is ChatGPT saying things like “I will get back to you with that information.” Excuse me, what? If you’ve used ChatGPT and understand a bit about how it works, you would understand the problem here. There is no context…

  • ChatGPT + DALL-E, finally

    ChatGPT + DALL-E, finally

    My very first post in this series tried to see what I could do by combining the language processing of ChatGPT to generate prompts for DALL-E (complete with quirky keywords that make sense to robots (I guess) but not humans). The disappointing answer at the time was that ChatGPT didn’t know about DALL-E, and therefore…

  • Comparing AI models: The “what band am I thinking of?” version

    Comparing AI models: The “what band am I thinking of?” version

    I have several other posts to write about different things I’ve been playing with on ChatGPT, especially since they’ve dropped a ton of new stuff into Plus, but today, I want to talk about an experiment I like to call “what band am I thinking of?” The test This didn’t even start out being an…

  • How good is ChatGPT at making mixtapes?

    How good is ChatGPT at making mixtapes?

    I’ve previously experimented with trying to get ChatGPT to suggest songs to build a soundtrack for my D&D campaign when it ventured into the territory of Planescape. Planescape is weird. It’s a multiverse-based setting where the intensity of beliefs can actually change the geography of the world. As such, there are the obvious ideological wars…