Tag: apple
This just in: Mashable op-ed states the obvious
In a ridiculous, duh-inducing article, author Chris Taylor explains how Apple doesn’t make money on apps because their product focus is in hardware. *crickets* This profound insight should surprise exactly no one as anyone who has observed Apple anytime in the last 10 years or so, or — as the author pointed out — pretty…
When Steve Jobs isn’t happy, he really isn’t happy
When Steve Jobs isn’t happy, he really isn’t happy | Technically Incorrect – CNET News. This article uses the word “reportedly” far too many times (twice in the excerpt below, alone). Considering it’s not really even a real article, just an amusing anecdote from another article with some bland commentary, it makes me seriously…
I tried to put my dongle in it…
This was actually forwarded to me by my dad. My dad is awesome.
Sesame Street: Song: There’s An App For That (via @neave)
Sesame Street: Song: There’s An App For That (via @neave)
Yep, Apple Killed The CD Today Why is it that Apple seems to be…
Yep, Apple Killed The CD Today Why is it that Apple seems to be the only tech company that truly leads the industry in innovation? Why is it that when Apple says “This is where the industry is going in five years” that’s the direction the indu…
iTunes Security: Worse than you thought?
On December 1, 2008, I woke up to find a series of disturbing emails in my inbox. They were a pair of PayPal receipts and the corresponding iTunes store receipts for 2 purchases of $200 gift cards sent to anonymous Hotmail and Yahoo email addresses. The problem was, I didn’t make the purchases. The transactions… (read…
Avoid holding your iPhone 4G
There’s a phenomena with the new iPhone that, since I don’t own one and have a waning interest in ever owning one, I was unaware of before reading a blog post in the New York Times. It seems that, for many users, if you hold the iPhone in a certain way, the very act of holding…
adobe fights fire with…teddy bears
Adobe launched a new ad campaign today along with a response to Steve Jobs’ declaration that Flash will never be supported on iPhones, iPads, and iPods last week. (In fact, they’ve added a whole new Freedom of Choice section on Adobe.com.) There are a few amusing (and somewhat contradictory) statements in Adobe’s open letter (like this one: “If…
signs that Adobe Flash is on the way out
i’ll spare the discussion of how Flash is dead because Steve Jobs says it is. while i agree with him on all of his points, i’m not really into the all bow to the great and mighty Steve camp, even while the rest of the industry bows to the great and mighty Steve. (i may…
Scam Alert: “Testers needed to test the Apple iPad” – testitandkeepit.com
i got an email last night sent from a client we did a website for about a year ago inviting me to become a tester for an Apple iPad. actually, i got two emails — one sent to each of my main addresses. The subject line of the email was “Testers needed to test the Apple…