When Steve Jobs isn’t happy, he really isn’t happy


When Steve Jobs isn’t happy, he really isn’t happy | Technically Incorrect – CNET News.

This article uses the word “reportedly” far too many times (twice in the excerpt below, alone).  Considering it’s not really even a real article, just an amusing anecdote from another article with some bland commentary, it makes me seriously question the state of tech journalism as a whole.  However, this little sound byte from Steve Jobs made me laugh out loud (and, I mean actually laugh out loud, not just type “lol”) — then again, most things irreverent about Steve Jobs strike me as amusing…

“Can anyone tell me what MobileMe is supposed to do?” he reportedly offered. Someone in the room ventured a response, reportedly one that made an awful lot of sense.

“So why the f*** doesn’t it do that?” retorted Jobs.

“You’ve tarnished Apple’s reputation…You should hate each other for having let each other down.”

(via @iA)





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