Tag: mashable

  • On Trans, Gender, and Body

    I tweeted out a post on Mashable this morning. I wanted to elaborate on why it’s important.

  • This just in: Mashable op-ed states the obvious

    In a ridiculous, duh-inducing article, author Chris Taylor explains how Apple doesn’t make money on apps because their product focus is in hardware. *crickets* This profound insight should surprise exactly no one as anyone who has observed Apple anytime in the last 10 years or so, or — as the author pointed out — pretty…

  • WordPress isn’t a commercial success…wait, what?

    Read this.  Then come back.  It’s okay, I’ll wait. WordPress.com Blogs Garnered 23 Billion Pageviews in 2010 It’s the last paragraph the bugs me. The five-year-old company may be experiencing remarkable growth, but it has yet to become a commercial success. The startup reportedly makes around $1 million per month from premium and hosting services,…

  • Buh-bye to Wave

    In a long line of “wow that’s not really a surprise at all”‘s, Google has dropped (or is dropping, or is no longer actively developing at any rate) Wave. Cause of death: lack of user adoption. In a blog post today, Google announced that, while they still think Wave is awesome, everyone else didn’t immediately…

  • Jane Austen’s Fight Club

    This completely made my night.  Wish it was a real film. Hat tip to @allisonr via @SusanVLewis, but you can also read about it on @Mashable: “Jane Austen’s Fight Club” Fake Trailer Goes Viral [VIDEO]… It does raise an interesting question: the people who don’t think this is funny (or, alternately, bloody brilliant), are they unfamiliar with Fight…

  • iTunes Security: Worse than you thought?

    On December 1, 2008, I woke up to find a series of disturbing emails in my inbox.  They were a pair of PayPal receipts and the corresponding iTunes store receipts for 2 purchases of $200 gift cards sent to anonymous Hotmail and Yahoo email addresses.  The problem was, I didn’t make the purchases. The transactions… (read…

  • Empire Avenue: The timesuck that capitalizes on your social media empire

    You are a Twitter addict.  You maintain multiple blogs, connect with friends and classmates on Facebook, are never far from your iPhone to check in to Foursquare and are a frequent reviewer on Yelp.  In short, you are a social networking junkie. In that case, probably you don’t need to read this post, because probably…

  • signs that Adobe Flash is on the way out

    i’ll spare the discussion of how Flash is dead because Steve Jobs says it is. while i agree with him on all of his points, i’m not really into the all bow to the great and mighty Steve camp, even while the rest of the industry bows to the great and mighty Steve.  (i may…


    i seriously don’t know whether to applaud this or groan loudly. YouTube – THE NEW DORK – Entrepreneur State of Mind Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys Spoof | Grasshopper.com via @mashable

  • twitter hacked. this reminds me of the time…

    if you were wondering wtf happened to twitter last night (and, like me, you use a client as opposed to logging into the actual site, so rather than seeing the screen above, you just saw an API timeout error), twitter was hacked.  mashable’s got the digs here and here. now, sure, we should be up in arms…