Tag: resolutions

  • 2017 Goals

    I’m not one for making resolutions as typically they end up being things that get forgotten by February. That said, 2016 was rough all around for most people. Personally, I had a pretty good year (new job, new house) but there were a lot of things I’d like to improve upon. Resolutions are not powerful…

  • The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

    Some good reminders in here for devs and people in general. Things every dev needs to be thinking about (myself included). Coding Horror: The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming.

  • 2012 review and resolutions for 2013

    I don’t tend to do these resolutions posts because resolution posts are things you do when you can’t set your own goals and feel the need to announce publicly something you plan on doing to act as an impetus for actually doing it (by shaming you into doing it since it’s out in the public). But…