Tag: software

  • the truth about hacked software

    I want to get something out in the open.  It’s not illegal to hack your software. This is probably contrary to what you might assume when you hear the words “hack” and “software” used in the same sentence, but there is an important distinction to make: hacked software is not the same thing as pirated…

  • Genius


    I’ve flipped back to iTunes as my default audio player.  I was avoiding it for a long, long time for a lot of reasons but when WinAmp randomly stopped playing OGG files (which I have a lot of), and I couldn’t fix it, I installed the Xiph QuickTime Components plugin and downloaded the latest version of iTunes.  And I…

  • Developing tabletop games like software

    Developing tabletop games like software

    I’ve been working on The Long Con in my free time, and when I haven’t been working on it, I’ve been musing over the development philosophy.  I don’t know if what I’m doing is that much different than other open source role playing games.  I haven’t really explored the open source RPG community, I just…

  • OpenOffice.org no longer the FREE alternative to Microsoft Office

    it’s finally happened. months after Oracle’s acquisition of  Sun Microsystems — developers of the free Java platform, among other things — the formerly free alternative to Microsoft’s Office suite is now the cheap alternative to Microsoft’s Office suite. anyone who knew about the acquisition wouldn’t be too surprised by this, however it’s still sad to see.   OpenOffice was…

  • MusicIP Mix handles huge mp3 libraries better than WinAmp [Abandonware]

    let me get this out there: i love winamp.  i’ve been using it since its’ inception.  i used to listen to tag’s trance shoutcast station back in the day (tag is/was one of the winamp devs and was responsible for a lot of the visualizations that come bundled with winamp).  i’ve tried many, many other music…

  • the quest for the perfect twitter client

    it won’t surprise anyone who visits this blog or knows anything about me that i’m a bit of a geek.  i mean that in the broadest sense of the term.  geek as in music geek — not only am i a music snob, but i was also a band geek, and, yes, i listen to bands…

  • unbox pandora

    i’ve been using Pandora for a long time, and i’ve always been a big fan.  when Tim Westergren came to Salt Lake City on his speaking tour, i went to see him at the SLC Main Library and i have the raglan-style Pandora tshirt to prove it.  the unique recommendation engine — powered by humans who actually analyze…

  • twitter is

    erin and i have this running debate about twitter.  the general argument is that she believes that, on the whole, twitter is dumbing down the internet, especially when it comes to creatives.  by creating a huge conglomerate of artists who all talk to each other and share ideas, there is a loss of individual creativity…