Hi, I’m Chris

I make websites and things. Lately, I’ve been experimenting a lot with Large Language Models (colloquially known as AI) to test their capabilities and to help make my job and D&D Dungeon Mastering life easier. Feel free to click around to learn more about stuff I like to do and/or am working on.

  • Virtual D&D: My digital DM setup

    Virtual D&D: My digital DM setup

    Continuing from my last post about my (analog) DM workflow, I thought I’d share my virtual DM setup, since there are a number of things I’ve picked up over time that have proven to help quite a bit, as well as learnings that I’ve picked up along the way. Platform: Roll20 It may not be…

  • Dashboard Changelog

    Dashboard Changelog

    I recently moved my site to a new host. And I’ve also added my partner’s site to the WordPress multisite stack running this site and a number of others on this domain and chrisreynolds.io. Previously she was using WordPress.com, but was frustrated by a lack of adequate support and persistent caching bugs that even I…

  • My D&D DM workflow

    My D&D DM workflow

    It came up in yesterday’s recording of Binary Jazz, so I thought maybe I’d talk a bit about my process for running a D&D session. Every DM uses different tools — some of those tools are analog, some of them may be digital — and each DM is going to rely on different things to…

  • New site, who dis?

    New site, who dis?

    Hi. It’s been a while since I wrote anything on here. It’s been a while since I’ve wanted to write something on here, and largely that’s been due to not being able to upload files in my previous site setup. There’s technical things underneath, but basically I was using a free developer environment on Pantheon…

  • Goodbye


    We had to say goodbye to a friend yesterday. One who’s been with us for 18 years. She suffered from anxiety — eating large chunks of our blankets as a nervous coping mechanism— and later, an eating disorder — overeating as a way to deal with stress — and came out the other side as…

  • Building a Dungeons & Dragons battle tracker in vanilla JavaScript

    I just finished Wes Bos’ ES6 for Everyone course and I’ve decided to try to test myself and what I’ve learned by building something somewhat useful. I just started running a Dungeons & Dragons campaign for my kids and their friends. We had 10 people (kids and adults) playing the first session and we may…

  • Gender parity in the Sad Bastard Music Club

    You may or may not be aware of a thing I started doing a few years ago called the Sad Bastard Music Club. Many of my friends and people I follow on the internets periodically release mixtapes for people to download or listen to. Historically, I’ve done this as well and, being a DJ at…

  • Just another day of being an asshole on the internet

    TL;DR: Hunter.io is a service that email marketers use to get huge email lists. Go to their email finder to see if you’re in their list of 200+ million addresses (you probably are). Go to their claim email address page to (attempt to) remove yourself from their database. I get a lot of emails. An…

  • Binary Jazz

    Binary Jazz

    A few months ago, this happened: After several months of thinking, procrastinating, conjuring reasons to not start a podcast and waiting for the idea to sound like a bad one (it didn’t), we decided to get our act together and get serious about the idea. I put together some notes, we came up with a format,…

  • Human for a year

    Human for a year

    I celebrated my 1 year anniversary with Human Made a few months ago. I wrote up a review for our company P2 but realized I haven’t said much over here. The following is a slightly edited version of that one year recap. Last year, the Monday following Thanksgiving was my first official day as a…