Tag: coding

  • Getting something actually useful out of DALL-E and ChatGPT

    Getting something actually useful out of DALL-E and ChatGPT

    A lot of folks have been chatting about ChatGPT (that’ll be the last dad joke, I swear…), the latest experiment out of openai.com — home of the DALL-E image generation AI. I’ve been generally pretty impressed with what I can get from DALL-E — enough to purchase some credits to help generate art for my…

  • Switching between PHP versions

    I recently learned how to run multiple versions of PHP on my local machine and switch between them using Homebrew. It’s pretty straightforward, actually.

  • We built a standing desk!

    We built a standing desk!

    I’ve been interested in having and/or building a standing desk for years. It probably started with this article in Wired. The main reason for not getting one, however, was having invested in a corner desk piece with an extension for the purpose of housing two workstations side-by-side, one for me and one for my wife.…

  • The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

    Some good reminders in here for devs and people in general. Things every dev needs to be thinking about (myself included). Coding Horror: The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming.

  • Making theme options modular

    Today I submitted version 1.1 of Museum Core to the WordPress theme repository for review. Originally this was going to just be a simple update with some bugfixes, but I had thought of a way to make it easier to build child themes that include some options settings from the parent theme (Museum Core) without… (read…

  • New look for jazzsequence.com (again…)

    New look for jazzsequence.com (again…)

    So, the jazzsequence.com redesign is still on (or at least planned), but I figured, since I just got a theme hosted in the WordPress.org themes repository, I might as well make it, you know, my theme so that at least one person is using it live, right? So here it is: Museum Core. I’ve also…

  • SublimeText — I think I’m in love

    SublimeText — I think I’m in love

    I’m not one to gush about text editors. Pretty much they do their job and that’s about it. I respect the amount of work that goes into something like, say, OpenOffice.org Writer, but I wouldn’t say I’m in love with any particular aspect of it (except, perhaps, that it’s free — as in beer —…

  • WP_Query pagination problems? Here’s a hack

    It happens every time I use WP_Query. I get a beautiful-looking custom WP_Query. Then I try to add pagination and everything goes to hell. I’ve spent hours looking up solutions. Every time. Nine times out of ten, they don’t work. And for no discernible reason. Here’s a hack that worked for me, and is mostly… (read…

  • Derailment (via @markjaquith)

    Derailment (via @markjaquith)

  • Multiple loops, post formats, and content types in a single home page template

    Wow. That title is a mouthful. And given the improbable combination of different content types, I’m actually somewhat surprised that I did, in fact, pull off just that. In working on a client site for a Christian ministry in the Democratic Republic of Ghana, I set out today to create this: What we have here… (read…