
after spending, oh, i dunno, approximately 10 hours working on this damn photo kiosk at work, i think i finally managed to get it into a state of somewhat functional…ness…ish…

i’m tired. gavin woke up screaming at 1am last night and wouldn’t go back to sleep until approx 4:30, and I wasn’t able to get to sleep until 5 and then woke up again at 7 for work. yay. about the only good part of that is that i got to play about 10 years in The Movies after starting a new game. but that’s not much of a consolation.

right, so the reason i was writing this post to begin with (which i completely, you know, forgot) was to call attention to the new, spiffy gothboy moodicons that i nicked off livejournal.  i’m amused.







2 responses to “garrrrrrr”

  1. Tara Avatar

    10 hours on one PK is wayyyy too much. Hopefully this week goes better for ya

  2. Tara Avatar

    10 hours on one PK is wayyyy too much. Hopefully this week goes better for ya

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