“The Novel” and, also, “The Operation”

i called the urology deptartment at the university of utah hospital to schedule an appt. for my vasectomy.  so that means it’s official, it’s happening.  the appointment i scheduled isn’t for the actual operation, it’s for a consultation, and the operation follows, which is good since the appt. is on sept. 25 which is 5 days after erin’s due date.  i’m nervous as all hell, not about the operation, because i’m trusting everything i’ve read that says it’s an easy in-and-out thing that has a short recovery time and is an easy outpatient procedure.  no, i’m having the paranoid GETTHATKNIFEAWAYFROMTHERE fear associated with…well, sharp things in places i don’t want there to be sharp things.   but, it’s one less thing to worry about.

sure i’ve got more to say on the subject like when compared with the sterilization procedure for women, it should be the significantly more popular method for couples, which it isn’t, but i’ll save most of that stuff until after i get it done and then i can get on my vasectomy soapbox and say that all men need to have it done if they are done having kids.

so, i was thinking the other day about writing again.  specifically about writing The Novel.  not any specific novel, mind you, just The Novel, short for The Great American Novel.  i wasn’t thinking about writing anything in particular, just that i don’t do it.  the ARG project has sort of skidded to a halt, the RPGs have been dead for a while, and my novel-ish thing, Feedback is something i haven’t worked on in a long time.  i decided i should just start writing stuff, a little at a time.  there’ve been several times when i am thinking about it but usually i’m away from the computer, and when i am at the computer i’m too busy to be able to start working on it.  i’m not sure if i will use the pages on this blog or make a new blog or use the feedback blog.  i think i’m leaning toward putting the stuff here because i can save drafts and only publish things when they’ve been finished.  plus it autosaves.  anyway, i’m hoping to start in on stuff like that soon.  i keep wanting to write stuff in the style of the world of darkness game and the buffy game, sort of a dark, gritty, supernatural underworld type thing, but very based in a present-day/real life setting.  which is a lot different than what Feedback was, and is more familiar territory for writing than straight sci-fi.  (sci-fi is harder because you have to have the science/technology of things figured out, whereas in fantasy and horror, you can get away with leaving that mysterious.  horror fiction is a lot more about details and atmospheres and mood.)  i guess it’s really been a while since i’ve done a gritty, dark story that wasn’t part of a game, which is probably why i’ve been drawn to the idea.  anyway, i’m thinking maybe i should start writing.  just a little bit every day to get in the habit of it again.  we’ll see what happens.

Now playing: Don Caballero – P, P, P, Antless
via FoxyTunes




2 responses to ““The Novel” and, also, “The Operation””

  1. tara Avatar

    I read a book, well part of the series i guess of kinda supernatural and kinda real world. i cant for the life of me remember who wrote it or the titles but they were good reads.
    so if you were taking votes on writing again, i think you should

  2. tara Avatar

    I read a book, well part of the series i guess of kinda supernatural and kinda real world. i cant for the life of me remember who wrote it or the titles but they were good reads.
    so if you were taking votes on writing again, i think you should

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