finally live

my first site with heritage is finally live. or at least approved and out of my hands. it was a really frustrating process and then i was waiting for 2 days for her to approve the site so it would go live, and lost my bonus as a result. i’m hoping every project is not like this, but i have suspicions many will be — judging by the numerous emails i received from the supervisor saying things like “i see a lot of people with sites ready to go live, let’s get on the phones and get the customers to approve the sites.” i won’t get into my personal frustrations about the site — i’ve done myself enough damage before posting my opinions in public places. suffice it to say, the project was frustrating and i’m glad it’s done.

so here’s the link — as i’m writing this, it hasn’t quite moved over to the actual domain from the custom folder yet, so if you see an index, click the custom link. also, it looks like poo in ie5/6 — but then, ie is poo.






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