giving green cars a bad name

i was stunned when i read this article about the hype machine that is ZAP.  it made me change my mind about most evil company ever — no more does microsoft hold that title: ZAP is the new most evil company ever.  in fact, the article was so bad (not the article actually, but the story, the article is quite good), that it made me think it had to be made up.  but, no, unfortunately, ZAP exists.  and the world shudders.




2 responses to “giving green cars a bad name”

  1. Tara Avatar

    I am appalled by that article. On one side I want to say, well if you invest that much money you MUST have researched the product EXTENSIVELY. The other side says these guys are smooth talkers, have to be with so many people ripped off….

  2. Tara Avatar

    I am appalled by that article. On one side I want to say, well if you invest that much money you MUST have researched the product EXTENSIVELY. The other side says these guys are smooth talkers, have to be with so many people ripped off….

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