Category: department of printed material

  • vision of the future

    I just finished reading Nicholas Carr‘s The Big Switch in anticipation of getting a copy of his new book The Shallows.  This troubling excerpt towards the end of the book hints at where he takes The Shallows and gives a less-than-utopian view of our dependency on all things web-related: The printed page, the dominant  information medium of the…

  • scientific link to autism found; get your tinfoil hats because us loonies were right

    in a completely, totally, ridiculously different direction that what the medical establishment has been lambasting at us for years, a think tank has uncovered a probable cause for autism.  you know all those people you think are insane for not getting their kids vaccinated?  well guess what…they’re right. from the article: If it hadn’t been…

  • learning to do less

    i just got done reading Seth Godin’s manifesto, Do Less.  i’ve actually been reading quite a bit of Seth Godin recently, having decided that his blog is pretty cool.  Seth Godin is a smart guy.  he’s not saying anything revolutionary — in fact, a lot of what he blogs about should be common sense.  but…

  • why automattic’s acquisition of After the Deadline is a big deal

    i’ll be frank: i’m a big fan of Automattic.  you might even call me an Automattic fan boy.  i keep up on matt mullenweg’s blog, and when he links to something, i jump.  when Automattic acquired intense debate, guess who was downloading it and installing it on his blog? on one hand, i’m always suspicious of companies that…

  • netflixed movie review: who watches the watchmen? no, really, who watches the watchmen?

    we rarely (if ever) go to movies in the theatre anymore. this is sometimes depressing when long awaited films are released in the theatre that we really, really want to see. as the kids get older (particularly our youngest), scheduling a block of 4 or so hours where they can be sat by the grandparents…

  • obama isn’t going for the low blow

    after news of gov. palin’s teen daughter’s pregnancy broke, i thought to myself (and to erin), i hope obama doesn’t use this. it’s typical to go for the groin shot in politics, use an advantage like a teenage pregnancy in the family (or a wife’s alchoholism, or whatever) to drag your opponent’s name in the…

  • cool stuff

    i added some cool stuff to the thinktank studio site.  it’s like wallpaper and avatars and graphics and stuff.  you should check it out. also, if you feel like lol’ing, this is f’ing hi-larious. and check out the archives, too.  good stuff.

  • giving green cars a bad name

    i was stunned when i read this article about the hype machine that is ZAP.  it made me change my mind about most evil company ever — no more does microsoft hold that title: ZAP is the new most evil company ever.  in fact, the article was so bad (not the article actually, but the…