I haven’t been quiet about
being addicted to loving Turntable.fm. I took a break from Turntable for about a week, only to be reminded how awesome a platform it is when I came back. The ability to see immediate feedback to the songs you play is almost better than DJ’ing at an actual club or party where some people go and dig the music, but never get up and dance, preferring to socialize. It’s hands-down better than other platforms or methods for hosting or broadcasting music to other people. It provides a more direct line of communication and feedback than a podcast, SHOUTcast stream or Blip.fm and is a great way for musicians to play their music and directly interact with their fans and get a response. After our listening party earlier this week for the new Raygun Girls album, we’ve been trying to think up ways to do something similar again.
Why not a regular Plague Music room? We could use it for any live events or just hang out and play some tunes. You can come see what we’re up to by visiting the Plague Music Netlabel room. If you’d like to DJ and all the slots are full, you can sign up on our DJ list and we’ll make sure you get in there. It’s likely to be slow going at first as we gather momentum, but we’re hoping to keep this as a regular feature and staff it every Friday (if not other days during the week). So stop by and see what’s going on. If you have an event you’d like us to host in our room, or you are an artist and would like us to play your tracks, give us a shout.