Category: geek of technology

  • New site, who dis?

    New site, who dis?

    Hi. It’s been a while since I wrote anything on here. It’s been a while since I’ve wanted to write something on here, and largely that’s been due to not being able to upload files in my previous site setup. There’s technical things underneath, but basically I was using a free developer environment on Pantheon…

  • Building a Dungeons & Dragons battle tracker in vanilla JavaScript

    I just finished Wes Bos’ ES6 for Everyone course and I’ve decided to try to test myself and what I’ve learned by building something somewhat useful. I just started running a Dungeons & Dragons campaign for my kids and their friends. We had 10 people (kids and adults) playing the first session and we may…

  • Just another day of being an asshole on the internet

    TL;DR: is a service that email marketers use to get huge email lists. Go to their email finder to see if you’re in their list of 200+ million addresses (you probably are). Go to their claim email address page to (attempt to) remove yourself from their database. I get a lot of emails. An…

  • I’ve joined Human Made!

    I’ve joined Human Made!

    This week, I started the next chapter of my great adventure — joining the team at Human Made. Over the last roughly two and a half years, I’ve worked at WebDevStudios — one of the top WordPress-focused development agencies. When I joined, I was plopped in the middle of a project for the United States National…

  • Uncovering Digital Artifacts

    This morning, my wife and I were having a conversation about what happens to our cultural information and identity when we are gone. Not just, what happens to, for example, this blog after I, personally, am deceased, but also, what happens to all of our information 50, 100, 200 years from now when the means…

  • Use Simple Page Builder to Add Unique Layouts to Content

    I wrote a thing, and then I wrote about the thing I wrote. Use Simple Page Builder to Add Unique Layouts to Content

  • How to create an iPhone ringtone in 2 minutes

    How to create an iPhone ringtone in 2 minutes

    I used to have a dumb phone. It was one of those LG deals with a slide-out keyboard that made it okay for texting. I was super-excited to finally get an iPhone and jump into the 20th Century with everyone else, but found it more difficult to get custom ringtones and sounds on my iPhone…

  • How fast your server is really does make a difference

    If you follow me on twitter, you may have seen me tweet this: Just moved my site and OH HOLY CHRIST THIS @bluehost VPS IS FAST! cc @MikeHansenMe — @[email protected] (@jazzs3quence) January 26, 2015 Here’s how that came to be. I wrote a post last week. You may have seen it. It was about gender…

  • Hacking WordPress Search for Fun and Profit!

    I wrote a blog post for WebDevStudios that’s kind of based on my WordCamp SLC presentation I just gave. (You can also check out the slides for that, if you want.) Hacking WordPress Search for Fun and Profit!

  • Bootstrap is NOT a bad fit for WordPress

    Bootstrap is NOT a bad fit for WordPress

    I’ve been mulling over and debating whether to write this post for about a week. It’s a response to this post on ThemeShaper. In the post, Fränk Klein, in no uncertain terms, explains why using Bootstrap with WordPress is a bad idea. Being the author of a WordPress theme that is based on Bootstrap, as well as…