Category: ministry of music

  • get ready…it’s time for gwoździec!

    i threatened when i made my random album cover that i would do a full on music project based on the fake album i created.  well, i’ve decided it’s time.  get ready bitches, it’s time for gwozdziec!  in keeping with the creative commons-ness of the whole thing, i’m going to blog the progress and make…

  • Random Album Cover – the Creative Commons Way

    i’ve been waiting for someone to tag me on that 25 things meme, mostly because it’s come across a couple of the blogs i read, but i guess i either have no friends or everyone knows everything there is to know about me.  either way poor, poor, pitiful me.  anyway, i’m getting my revenge by…

  • rpm album is done

    i’m happy to say the album is done. now i just need to get the cover printed and i can send it off. i’ve uploaded some of the tracks to my rpm page, but i haven’t uploaded the brand-spanking-new ones yet…should be posting those int he next couple of days. here’s the tracklisting though, for…

  • rpm update

    21 days left of RPM (which, as you recall, is the make an album in the 28 days of february competition).  the goal is to complete a full album, which is defined as 10 songs OR 35 minutes.  here’s my vitals so far: so what does this mean? it means in terms of length, i’m…

  • stuff i listened to in high school

    it started as an idea after doing the road trip cds because i threw some stuff on there that i hadn’t really listened to in years.  erin and i started talking about stuff we listened to in high school, so i decided to make high school mix cds.  if you’re interested in my somewhat more…

  • site update

    it’s been a long time coming, i finally updated the blog design. i’ve done a couple custom wordpress themes for thinktank clients now, and it was about time i did one for myself. it’s not really anything new, although the banner is totally new. but the css was recoded by hand. the overall design is…

  • the slip: you can’t steal this one, guys…

    …because it’s free! trent reznor does it again by releasing his latest album, the slip, absolutely free as a thank you to his fans.  all qualities, all formats, no whining.  is he making any money at all these days? so go get your copy, yo.

  • niggy tardust, no guitar

    on wednesday erin and i went to a concert i’ve been looking forward to for months: saul williams’ the tar spangled banner tour. this is a big deal for several reasons: we don’t leave the house. ever. (well except for shopping, takeout, and work) we rarely have a night off. let alone a night out.…

  • dig yourself

    nick cave is my hero. i can’t get this song out of my head and when it is stuck in my head i end up doing his crazy strut. this album is fantastic. you should all buy it NOW.

  • ghosts of the past

    part i my pre-ordered from the nin website copy of ghosts i-iv arrived yesterday. trent said that they went into making this album with the intent that it could/should be the soundtrack to something. on march 13, he announced a ghosts film festival on youtube. holding the actual release in my hands, i noticed it…