Category: subdivision of random

  • omfg, i’m totally in the wrong career!!1!!!

    so i did this silly career matchmaker quiz, knowing from the questions that they’re either going to find me an apathetic sociopath or pretty much say “yeah, you need to be in music or graphic design or theatre,” which is what i thought anyway — and the problem has always been not being able to…

  • one for one

    in the beginning (at least as far as this post is concerned), there were three cats. frida, radar, and kendra. frida was a freak and a mischief-maker, always getting into things, but toward the end was a total sweetheart. frida didn’t like people though, would run from company, and almost murdered the humane society docs…

  • okay, this is….astounding…

    from prpl nrpl something about this is both highly disturbing and offensively funny.  but the question is, would you really dress your kid in this???

  • server uploading issues — resolved?

    with very little help from me, the upload issues i was having seem to have resolved themselves.  i blame comcast completely, but i don’t care so long as it works.  now you can go here and download my nin YZ remix without it being cut off.  also, the ampache page is using the latest development…

  • “The Novel” and, also, “The Operation”

    i called the urology deptartment at the university of utah hospital to schedule an appt. for my vasectomy.  so that means it’s official, it’s happening.  the appointment i scheduled isn’t for the actual operation, it’s for a consultation, and the operation follows, which is good since the appt. is on sept. 25 which is 5…

  • boo m’f’ing yah!!!!!

    *doing happy dance* i got the m’f’ing sound to work on my hackint0sh!! aww yeeeahh! i was ready to throw in the towel when i was trolling the insanely mac forums and found a modified cmedia driver and i tried it and awww yeeeah, success!!! i can make the little blurp noise when i turn…

  • simpsonized

    so since the new simpson movie apparently there’s this new web phenomenon going on at you can turn any photo of yourself into a simpson’s character. now, i think the first take is kind of crappy — it doesn’t do features too well, but you can tweak it to look more like you and…

  • energy saving, and goth as all hell

    someone told google that if they changed their color scheme from white to black it would save 750 megawatt hours a year, so they said, why not. you can check out blackle and do you google search in an easy-on-the-eyes black, which is also pretty goth. (as a sidenote, there’s already a blackle firefox search…

  • my dad would find this entertaining…maybe —————- Now playing: “Depeche Mode – Damaged People.mp3” via FoxyTunes

  • polarity

    i realized today that i’ve been really hyper today and yesterday.  this coming off a fairly long string of being tired, in a bad mood, somewhat depressed, and feeling generally worthless and hopeless with regards to the job situation.  nothing’s changed since then, but my mood has swung suddenly and drastically.  which then makes me…