Category: subdivision of random

  • dragged into facebook

    i got dragged into facebook a while ago by tess, but i didn’t do much to my profile because it looked like another myspace toy crossed with linkedin and a) i don’t care about myspace — i have a better blog, and b) i’m already on linkedin…i got dragged back in today because a couple…

  • my workplace is a hostile minefield with snipers posted waiting to turn my head into swiss cheese

    i work in a hostile environment. it’s not hostile to anyone else, at least, not usually. just me. don’t believe me? how’s this: i am a tier 2 technical analyst, which, if we are going to continue with the military metaphor, isn’t quite the first wave of infantry (read: cannon fodder) who are considered utter…

  • and a tiny update

    because i like gadgets, i added some more on the sidebar. did some new stuff to their chart thingies (now referred to as widgets), and they are pretty spiff. of course, this required me to hack the style.css so the width of the sidebar actually fits the new widgets.  now i think i need…

  • random acts of goodness

    random 001::yesterday i received 7 emails from my backup server for a daily status update which i set up a long time ago.  when i went to see how the mail server was set up to find out why i got these all of a sudden, i found out the mail server was my (previously…

  • clone resolved

     i emailed the, uh, life group moderator and she was able to pass the message along to my clone.  he emailed me from her account and his email address has a number at the end (which apparently he forgets to put in).  so now at least i have a place to forward the misdirected emails…

  • my clone is bugging me

    so a couple months ago, i think, i acquired a clone.  this clone is named has the same first and last namd and middle initial, and lives in virginia, i think.  his wife is approximately as pregnant as erin and i can’t remember her name (it’s not erin), and she sent out some update on…

  • woo insurance resolution

    so i bugged my HR guy about the insurance thing, even though i know he doesn’t do benefits stuff.  he got with a couple contacts who do handle that stuff and made a few phone calls and, ultimately, they’re actually fixing the insurance biz.  i confess, i really never expected that to happen.  it’s past…

  • minor page update and insurance frustration

    part, the first… i updated the theme i was using to the latest version.  the background handling is a little more stable, and it doesn’t default to a white background because i deleted the ones it came with anymore.   in the process the stuff on the side bar got reorganized a bit. part, the second…

  • mid-20s crisis

    i don’t know if this is specifically a gen X thing (or gen Y, or whateverthefuck us 20-somethings are considered), or if this is a phenomenon that predates our generation… i’ve noticed that there’s a period of time that almost everyone i know who’s my age has experienced.  After college (or whatever they did instead…

  • custom error pages

    last night and this morning i’ve been messing with apache and tweaking the generic error pages to customize them for go ahead, try to pull a page not found…(here, i’ll help. also, you can get an access forbidden page here.)