i don’t really do a whole lot of essay-writing these days, but i have a lot of stuff that still has value from college. as such, it’s somewhat dated, but still cool.
“There is no spoon” is an analysis of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot
Beyond Definitions is an essay dealing with gender and transgendered issues
Creative Arts in the Digital Revolution is my Johnston Center Graduation Contract
Fight Club and America’s Violent Addiction is an essay on violence for a seminar in Death & Postmodernism
Gender Manifeste (as opposed to manifesto) is the result of my independent study with Dr. Daniel Kiefer on gender issues
Playing Make-Believe is an essay on role-playing (in various forms) for Ben Cook’s Storytelling seminar. To read a short role-playing game I wrote, check out TWIRPS.
What it means to me to be pagan… is an informational essay written for the University of Redlands’ Pagan Club
The History and Origin of the Tarot? Who Knows? is an excerpt from the book that accompanied The Horus Eye Tarot that I completed in the spring of ’98.
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