Tag: ads

  • adobe fights fire with…teddy bears

    Adobe launched a new ad campaign today along with a response to Steve Jobs’ declaration that Flash will never be supported on iPhones, iPads, and iPods last week.  (In fact, they’ve added a whole new Freedom of Choice section on Adobe.com.)  There are a few amusing (and somewhat contradictory) statements in Adobe’s open letter (like this one: “If…


    this Mercedes ad is a typophile’s wet dream.

  • How not to use Twitter

    I’m done.  Seriously, I’ve had it.  I’m done with the lies and the hype and the spam and the spin doctoring.  I’m done with “twitter methods” that promise thousands of followers and fame and fortune and all they really deliver is spam, affiliate marketing, and zombies – the precise thing they claim to avoid. You…

  • rise above

    [audio:RiseAbove.mp3] so i had this long post all ready to run based on some stuff i discovered through clicking around a certain blogger’s twitter feed.  it became the fictionalized story of two like-minded neophyte bloggers who came to the blogging world from an altogether different online world — the online porn industry.  they both had similar…

  • she’s easy

    so, i went to the corner store near our house the other day because we were out of juice.  this is a tragic occurance in our household, one that results in much angst and screaming if we are not able to supply gavin with his beverage-of-choice.  so, gavin and i took a field trip. having…